Chat Privately with Local AI Language Models Chatbots Assistants Helpers

Use local AI models to chat, work, and play without compromising your privacy. Designed for MacOS.



Your AI Writing Assistant

Have a local AI language model help you write, edit, and proofread your text.


Quickly Create Blogs, Posts, and More

Write an outline, tackle writers block, and craft social media posts with ArgalAI.


Code Llama On Device

Keep your code on your device with Code Llama 7B and have a coding copilot for Python, Javascript, C++, Java, and more.


Chat With Models That Have Personality

Give your models custom instructions and see their personality change. Don’t limit yourself by the guardrails of the cloud providers.

Local AI, Complete Privacy

100% Offline

After downloading the model all text generation happens on your Mac with no internet required.

Secure and Private

Your conversations never leave your device, ensuring complete privacy.


Customize each model with custom instructions and advanced settings like temperature, top-p, and more.

Zero Tracking

Your usage of the app is not tracked in any way. Nothing you do on the app is tracked.

Best In-Class Models

We have hand-selected the best models that work on most Macs. As better models are introduced these will be added.

Models That Don’t Fight You

Most open-source models don’t have the same guardrails that cloud models like ChatGPT have. This means you can ask a question and get a real answer.

Questions and Answers

  • Once you download your first local AI model you can start chatting! All text is generated on your device.

  • A local AI model, often referred to as an LLM, is a smaller version of a larger AI model that's been trained to run directly on a user's device. This allows for faster response times and enhanced privacy since data doesn't need to be sent to a central server for processing. Think of it as having a mini-AI in your pocket!

  • ArgalAI will run on any M series Mac (M1, M2, or M3) with 8GB of RAM or more.

  • All conversations occur completely on your device. No conversation data is ever sent to ArgalAI.

  • With ArgalAI all of your conversations happen locally, ensuring complete privacy.

    With ChatGPT, Bard, and others your messages are sent to a central server. The privacy policies of each of these companies determine how data is processed with their platform.

    Also, with ArgalAI, we make local models available that will more freely answer questions. This means you won’t have to fight with ArgalAI to have a conversation.

  • Not at all! ArgalAI is a one-time purchase on the Mac App Store. Since ArgalAI uses local models that generate text on your device, no subscription is required.

    Pay once and use forever!

  • Yes. Since purchases go through the Mac App Store, refund requests are processed through Apple. See the help article here.

  • Currently ArgalAI is only available on M series Macs. There are currently no plans to make the app available on Windows or Linux.

Use Local AI Today

ArgalAI is available on the Mac App Store for a one-time purchase.

Buy once and use forever.
